Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vaugondy - 1748

America Meridionale
imagem: 20 x 16.5 cm

Malte-Brun - 1844

South America
(gravado por G. Boynton, impresso por Samuel Walker)
imagem: 19 x 24 cm

L. Vivien - 1825

Carte del'Amérique Méridionale (gravée par Giraldon-Bovinet)
imagem: 34.5 x 48.5 cm

Jacques-Nicolas Bellin - 1757

Depuis la Riviere des Amazones jusqua la Baye de Touts les Saints
imagem: 32.5 x 24 cm

Depuis la Baye de Tous les Saints jusqu'a Saint Paul
imagem: 17 x 24 cm

Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages
imagem: 17 x 24 cm

Monday, May 10, 2010

Marcelo Grassmann - metal

formato grande

formato médio

formato médio

Juarez Machado - litografias

Litografia/ 50 exemplares/ imagem: 37 x 59.5 cm

Arthur Luis Piza

Gravura em metal/ 1958/ 220 exemplares/ imagem: 39.5 x 49 cm

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Almir Mavignier - Serigrafias (Op-Art)

Serigrafia/ 1969/ E.A./ imagem: 85.5 x 30.5

Serigrafia (poster)/ 1986/ assinado/ imagem: 84 x 59 cm

Serigrafia/ 1969/ E.A./ imagem: 85.5 x 30.5 cm

Serigrafia/ 1979/ 200 exemplares/ imagem 48.5 x 34 cm

Valerio Adami: Tartaruga di San Giorgio

Litografia/ 250 exemplares/ imagem 77 x 54 cm

Bengt Böckman: Colonial love and order - 7

Litografia / 1979 / 199 exemplares / imagem 37.5 x 47 cm

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Go, my songs, to the lonely and the unsatisfied,
Go also to the nerve-wracked, go to the enslaved-by-convention,
Bear to them my contempt for their oppressors.
Go as a great wave of cool water,
Bear my contempt of oppressors.

Speak against unconscious oppression,
Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative,
Speak against bonds.
Go to the bourgeoise who is dying of her ennuis,
Go to the women in suburbs.
Go to the hideously wedded,
Go to them whose failure is concealed,
Go to the unluckily mated,
Go to the bought wife,
Go to the woman entailed.

Go to those who have delicate lust,
Go to those whose delicate desires are thwarted,
Go like a blight upon the dulness of the world;
Go with your edge against this,
Strengthen the subtle cords,
Bring confidence upon the algae and the tentacles of the soul.

Go in a friendly manner,
Go with an open speech.
Be eager to find new evils and new good,
Be against all forms of oppression.
Go to those who are thickened with middle age,
To those who have lost their interest.

Go to the adolescent who are smothered in family
Oh how hideous it is
To see three generations of one house gathered together !
It is like an old tree with shoots,
And with some branches rotted and falling.

Go out and defy opinion,
Go against this vegetable bondage of the blood.
Be against all sorts of mortmain.
Pound (1913)